Current position
I am CNRS researcher (chargé de recherche) in the Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique in Marseille.
Research experience
- Jan. 2022-Now: CNRS researcher in the Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique (LMA) in Marseille.
- May 2021-Aug. 2018: Parental leave.
- Apr. 2020-Jan. 2022: Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow jointly at the Acoustic Laboratory of le Mans University and Institute of Mathematics of Bourgogne.
- Nov. 2018-Apr. 2020: Post-doctoral fellow at the Acoustic Laboratory of le Mans University.
- Aug. 2018-Nov. 2018: Parental leave.
- Aug. 2017-Aug. 2018: Post-doctoral fellow at the University of Nottingham.
- Aug. 2015-Aug. 2017: Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow at the University of Nottingham.
- Oct. 2012-Aug. 2015: Post-Doc at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam).
- Sept. 2009-Oct. 2012: PhD in Laboratoire de Physique Théorique d’Orsay supervised by Pr. R. Parentani.
Title: “Stability properties of Hawking radiation in the presence of ultraviolet violation of local Lorentz invariance.”
Manuscript: arxiv:1405.3466 - 2009: Master 2 internship in ENS Lyon with Pr. H. Samtleben and Pr. F. Gieres.
Title: “Corrections d’ordre supérieur en supersymétrie”. - 2008: Master 1 internship in University of Rochester, NY with Pr. S. Rajeev.
Title: “Thermodynamics: From a Hamilton-Jacobi theory to quantization”.
- 2009-2012: Ph.D. in theoretical physics.
- 2007-2009: Master degree in fundamental physics in Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
- 2006-2007: Double Licence in physics and mathematics in Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
Professional responsibilities
- Reference person for the environmental transition of my laboratory (LMA) (2023-now).
- Invited lecturer at the topical school “Curved Spacetimes analogs in Condensed Matter Physics,” 4-6 October 2017, at the University of Lorraine (France).
- Main organizer of the workshop “Fluids and gravity: superradiance and analogue black holes,” 4th and 5th of April 2017 (awarded the International Scientific Seminars scheme from the Royal Society).
- Doctoral level lectures: “From Unruh effect to Hawking radiation” (IMPRS lectures, 2013). Location: Albert Einstein Institute.
- Supervision of two student research projects (one master level and one bachelor level). Topic: “Unitarity in loop quantum cosmology”.
Location: Albert Einstein Institute. - Organizer of the young Seminar group (SinJe)
23 seminars of various subjects of theoretical and experimental physics (2010-2011). Location: Laboratoire de Physique Théorique d’Orsay. - Active reviewer in international journals, including:
Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. A, B, D & E, New Journal of Physics, Scientific Reports, Europhysics Letter, Gen. Rel. Grav.
Oral presentations in international conferences
- *Conference “META 2023”, Paris (France), 18-21 July 2023.
- *Workshop “Quantum simulation of gravitational problems on condensed
matter analog models”, ECT*, Trento (Italy), 19-23 June 2023. - *Workshop “Canonical Scattering problems”, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge (UK), 6-10 February 2023.
- *”Annual Workshop of the GdR Complexe”, Institut Langevin, Paris (France), 7-9 December 2022.
- *Conference “CNRS-Imperial Metamaterials”, Imperial college, 5-7 September 2022.
- Conference “ETOPIM12”, ENSMM Besançon, 4-8 July 2022 (Video recording:
- Conference “METAMATERIALS 2021”, online, 20-23 September 2021.
- *Journées de la Matière Condensée, mini-colloques “Nouveaux défis pour la gravité analogue” et “Interactions, topology and symmetry in disordered systems“, online, 24-27 August 2021.
- “e-Forum Acusticum 2020”, online, 7-11 December 2020.
- Conference “METAMATERIALS 2020”, online, 28 September-1 October 2020.
- Workshop “Mat & Flow 2019,” Le Mans (France), 2-6 December 2019.
- CEAS-ASC workshop “New Materials for Applications in Aeroacoustics,” Marseille (France), 26-27 September 2019.
- Workshop “Metamaterials: from optics to geophysics,” Marseille (France), 15-17 April 2019.
- *Workshop “Analogue gravity,” TECHNION (Haifa, Israel), 18-20 June 2018.
- Symposium “Sheffield fluid dynamics,” University of Sheffield (UK), 13 June 2018.
- *Conference “Relativistic Quantum Information North,” Kyoto University (Japan), 4-7 July 2017.
- Conference “Sillage et ondes de surface,” Université d’Orsay (France), 5 April 2016.
- Loops 15 conference, session “Cosmology,” Erlangen (Germany), 6-10 July 2015.
- Conference “Recent Developments in Gravity,” Mykonos (Greece), 17-20 September 2014.
- Conference “Conceptual and Technical Challenges for Quantum Gravity,” Sapienza University, Rome (Italy), 8-12 September 2014.
- Loops 13 conference, session “Black holes,” Perimeter Institute (Canada), 22-26 July 2013 (video archive on PIRSA).
- GR20 conference, session D4 “Quantum fields in curved spacetimes, semiclassical gravity, quantum gravity phenomenology, and analog models,” Warsaw University (Poland), 7-13 July 2013.
- *Conference “Théorie quantique des champs en espace courbe,” Cergy-Pontoise University (France), May 2011.
*Invited speaker.
Recent laboratory seminars and webinars
See the full list here.
- “Topological invisibility in Kekule lattices”, LAGA MSC team (France), 15 May (2023).
- “Topologically protected modes in acoustic networks”, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Suisse), September 1 (2022).
- “Modes topologiques localisés en réseau acoustique”, GdR MecaWave webinar, March 4 (2021).
- “Waves in fast flows”, Institute Jean Le Rond d’Alembert (France), February 4 (2021).
- “Higher order topological insulators à la Su-Schrieffer-Heeger in acoustic networks”, Institute of Mathematics of Bourgogne (France), December 2 (2020).
- “Slow-sound analogues of black holes and laser effect in lined flow ducts,” Institut Pprime de Poitiers (France), October 23 (2019).
- “Slow-sound analogues of black holes and laser effect in lined flow ducts,” Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Mans (France), October 8 (2019).
- “Slow-sound analogues of black holes and laser effect in lined flow ducts,” Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique, Marseille (France), September 10 (2019).
- “Black hole superradiance in a bathtub vortex,” Fluide, Automatique et Systèmes Thermiques, Orsay (France), February 21 (2019).
- “From Hawking radiation to undular jumps,” Institute Jean Le Rond d’Alembert (France), December 4 (2018).
- “From Hawking radiation to undular jumps,” Institute de Mathematiques de Bordeaux (France), July 9 (2018).
- “Reproducing Black Hole physics in fluids,” DAMTP, Cambridge, February 10 (2017).
- “Scattering theory in dispersive wave equations with a background flow,” Physics faculty of Wien Universität (Austria), May 19 (2016).
- “Almost black holes in flowing water,” Laboratoire de physique de l’ENS de Lyon (France), February 18 (2016).
- “Hawking radiation in Bose-Einstein condensates”, Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon), March 5 (2015).
Public press cover
Here is a selection of articles or videos in the public press that discuss our experimental results on black hole superradiance at the University of Nottingham (see original publication).
- “Water circling a drain provides insight into black holes,” Science News (2017).
- “Forscherin simuliert Schwarzes Loch in der Badewann,” Der Spiegel (2017)
- “Rotational superradiance spotted as water swirls down a drain,” (2017).
- “Scientists make waves with black hole research,” (2017).